Casual Bracelet - Man

42$ 47$
Options d'huiles essentielles pour bracelet diffuseur::

Bracelets made of lava stones or jasper

Lava stone is probably the oldest and most frequently found worldwide. Once the stone is cool, it becomes porous and black, creating the beautiful black color so many have come to love. Because it comes from raw energy, it’s considered to be a stone of rebirth and shedding unneeded layers of emotional attachment. It’s believed to provide strength (physical and mental) and provides stability in times of change. A very grounding stone, black lava strengths our connection to the earth.

Jasper is known to be one of the oldest gemstones. It comes in many colors and all colors will help balance the vibrations of the body. Jasper helps us release our tendencies to over think or over analyze things. When you wear it, your mood lifts immediately. Jasper is a wonderful stone for centering as well as increasing your appreciation for the joys of life.

Size: 8''

6 mm beads

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